How long is an assembly?

45-50 minutes seems to be the “sweet spot,” but the event can be limited to 35-40 minutes to accommodate other school schedules.

What is the optimum size of group?

We have done this for a class and for an entire grade. Either way works great. In a smaller setting (70 kids or less), we can arrange stations if time permits, where each student can try on a helmet and other items. In a larger assembly environment, The Knight will pull selected students from the audience to try on armor and hold (safe) weapons. The optimum assembly size is more likely to be determined by your schedule and budget, but any size works well!

Can an event be tailored for a specific need?

Let’s talk! We would love to hear your ideas and see what can be worked out. It may be that you need this worked into a pre-existing event or format, or that you need The Knight to do something special! No problem. Contact us to see what we can do!

For which grades and/or ages are these assemblies best suited?

While the Medieval History Assembly integrates education frameworks from the CDE 7th grade curriculum, nearly all grades will find the content fun and interesting. It certainly engages 6th graders in history they will soon have and also reinforces for 8th graders the curriculum they encountered in 7th grade. The content of the assembly is geared toward children from grades 4 though 9, though other age groups are likely to find the armor and weapons exciting.

The Chivalry Character Counts Assembly is appropriate for grades 1 through 9.

What does this cost?

$400 for the first assembly plus $150 for each additional assembly on the same date and in the same location.*

Plus travel expenses from Fresno, CA

What if we have to cancel?

Please give us two weeks warning or better. If you have to cancel within two weeks from the event, we charge a $200 cancellation, except in cases of Acts of God, inclement weather, school closures, and things like that.

I heard you need squires? What gives?

Yes, we do! For each assembly, we ask the school to provide 1-2 students to act as squires. The Knight needs help getting some portions of his armor on and off, and the squires also help by bringing him armor and weapons during the event, running a microphone to students with questions, etc. Kids LOVE helping at this event, and this can be a great way for you to reward your students. In the case of multiple assemblies, it is ideal for the same squires to help for all of them, but you may mix and match the squires if the schedule demands.

I saw weapons! Is this dangerous?

No, this is not dangerous. All sharp weapons remain on stage or otherwise removed from the students at all times. The Knight will allow selected students to to handle a mace, a non-functional crossbow, and perhaps other weapons that may be safely handled. At some assemblies, The Knight will allow a student to hit him on the helmeted head with a mace. This is in no way dangerous to The Knight or the student.

What about Zero Tolerance policies in regards to weapons on campus?

Great question! When you engage Knights At School, you must have an administrator sign our Engagement Agreement. This agreement gives Knights At School specific permission to bring on campus swords, maces, and other Medieval Era weapons for the purposes of education and demonstration. This has not been a problem thus far, but if you believe it will be a problem, contact us. We will only come on campus with your express permission, in writing. You can download our Assembly Agreement HERE. (Right click and select “Save As”)

I can see boys loving this, but what about girls?

Some of our best responses and testimonials come from girls in the audience. They are involved in the demonstrations as much and sometimes more than the boys, and they LOVE it! They also tend to ask some of the most interesting questions.

Isn’t Chivalry a bit old fashioned?

Precisely! And sometimes “old fashioned” is a very, VERY good thing. Many kids today are brought up without moral training and without good role models. Just read the news or watch television. Chivalry represents EXCELLENT morals and reinforces every pillar of Character Counts.

Isn’t Chivalry all about fighting?

No! Most of the rule of Chivalry are not about fighting at all, but about being truthful, protecting the innocent, maintaining a woman or fellow knight’s honor, etc. That being said, many ARE about fighting almost exclusively. These are not included or referenced in either the Medieval History Assembly or the Chivalry Character Counts Assembly.

What do you charge for travel? And from where?

We do not charge for any travel within 30 minutes of Fresno. If you are farther away, give us a call or drop us a line. We want to be reasonable. If you can help us to arrange another assembly at another area school the day before or after yours, then travel costs can be split.

Is there any paperwork or contract?

We ask you to complete a one-page Assembly Agreement when booking the event. You can view or download it HERE. (Right click and select “Save As” to download the form).

Can I speak with someone to get more information?

Absolutely! Call us at 559-477-4202 with any questions or concerns. Or contact us here.

* This represents our standard fee arrangement. Our priority, however, is a fun and educational experience for your students. If our fee constitutes a sincere hardship for your school, contact us to see if other arrangements can be made.

Book your assembly now!

55 Shaw Ave #204
Clovis CA 93612

The Town Crier

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